Keeping Your Parent With Alzheimer's Disease Healthy: When To Go To Urgent Care

Posted on: 8 December 2015


When you have a parent who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, you know that the most important element of their care is keeping them safe and healthy as much as possible. Of course, it can be difficult for you to keep an eye on them at all times, particularly if they do not live with you. When you do spend time with them and care for them, however, it is important that you know when you should take them to urgent care for any illnesses or injuries they may be suffering from. Because a person with Alzheimer's may not remember the cause of their injury or when they got sick or even what symptoms they are suffering from, you will have to be vigilant about keeping an eye on their health and symptoms. Get to know some of the times you absolutely should take your parent to urgent care to protect their health and safety.

Any Signs of Head Trauma or Injury

Falls and injuries can become common occurrences when your parent suffers from Alzheimer's disease. While you want to do everything you can to prevent such issues, you cannot be around at all times to watch them.

As such, you will need to become an expert at recognizing the signs of head trauma or injury. Obvious signs of head trauma include red marks, bumps and swelling on the forehead and skull. Bruising or bleeding from the head are also clear signs. However, sometimes visible signs on the head itself can be difficult to detect.

If your parent is noticeably more disoriented or confused than usual, even on their bad days, you will want to take them to an urgent care clinic as well for examination. Even bruising or injuries elsewhere on the body can be indicative of a fall. Of course, ask your parent how they sustained their injuries. If they cannot remember or tell a different story each time you ask, their Alzheimer's may be affecting their ability to recollect the recent incident. These are also times you should head to urgent care. It is always better to be safe than sorry when there is a risk of a head injury.

When Your Parent Has A Fever

If you do not visit your parent every day because they have other caregivers that help them out, you may not be able to find out how long your loved one has had a fever when you discover that they have one. While normally a fever does not automatically mean a person should go to the urgent care clinic, the issue becomes more serious in such situations.

Generally, if a fever lasts more than four days or the fever is considered high grade (104 or above), medical care is required. When a person is suffering from Alzheimer's, though, you may not be able to determine when that fever began or how bad it has been.

As such, anytime you notice a fever that does not subside within the time period you are spending with your loved one, it would be a good plan to take them to be checked out by a doctor. Chances are, it is not a serious illness, but because of the nature of Alzheimer's as well as the susceptibility of the elderly to infections and illness, a fever should never be ignored.

Now that you are more aware of some of the times when you should take your parent with Alzheimer's to an urgent care clinic like Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home, you can be sure to provide them with the best care possible now and in the future.